6s tend to be one of the more balanced social types in the Enneagram, with a nearly equal percentage of introverts and extraverts.
Introverted 6s
More Common: 52%
Spend a lot of time thinking and planning for social interactions
Highly observant; little escapes their notice
Tend to be on the periphery, taking in information and foreseeing social dynamics
There’s often a tension between wanting to be included and have their space
Tend to worry and feel drained by uncertain or undefined situations
Extraverted 6s
Less Common: 48%
Tend to have a dominant Relational instinct and may resemble Sevens or Eights
Usually outspoken, “larger than life” personalities who identify with their sense of humor
More likely to rebel and speak out against authority
Often the glue of their social spheres, checking in & bringing people together
Playful and teasing, yet reassuring